How Vedic Math improves Cognitive Skills
  • Jun 14, 2024

As the youngest in my family, I had always watched my sister struggle with mathematics. Numbers seemed to dance in front of her eyes, only to mocki ...

Vedic maths and competitive examination
  • Oct 06, 2023

Did you learn Vedic maths in your school days? Despite so many years of training and school education, we still use the calculator even for minute ...

Enhancing Memory with Vedic Math: Examine how learning Vedic math can improve memory and cognitive abilities
  • Oct 06, 2023

In the bustling city of Mumbai, there lived a curious young boy named Raj. Raj was grappling with complex math problems, finding them increasingly ...

Make Math Your Best Friend: How Vedic Math Helps
  • Apr 06, 2023

When you ask a student which subjects they find intimidating and puzzling. Mathematics would be the most prevalent answer. However, there is a math ...

Indian Mathematicians and their Contributions to Mathematics
  • Jun 06, 2022

Once upon a time, in the mystical land of ancient India, beneath the shade of towering banyan trees and amidst the soft whispers of the monsoon rai ...

Abacus and Vedic Mathematics: A Comparative Analysis
  • Feb 04, 2022

In the quest for mathematical excellence, various techniques and tools have emerged to enhance mental calculation skills. Abacus and Vedic Mathemat ...